These guys are REALLY funny and last night they were on the radio in Texas! I laughed till I cried at these guys! Their website is really funny too! I hope they make it full time on the radio and you can help by listening and then sending an email to the radio station to support them! They have also just opened up a chat board!
The radio show: name of the program is "The Other Side" and the show's date and time was Thursday, June 10, 2004 11:00 pm.
The main webpage is:
If you like the interview, make sure you write to
and let them know you'd like to hear more of on their show!
"They said they might have us back on soon, so if you like what you hear your emails can make it happen!"
BTW, don't let the name of their webpage fool you, they are very much Anti-Repig! I hope Air America picks them up too!