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Why aren't there more science fiction movies?

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bearded_cat Donating Member (119 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 01:23 PM
Original message
Why aren't there more science fiction movies?
They always proliferate like flies when there is a big, bad boogy man to be afraid of; the cold war, Vietnam war (produced some doozies - remember "The Blob?", uncertainty in the '80s due to the fall of communism, and now the dreaded, almost invisible "TERRARIST - HATER OF FREEDOM!"

Maybe I'm out to lunch, but I haven't seen a bunch of sci fi around lately (Matrix and ?)
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shockandawed Donating Member (141 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 01:24 PM
Response to Original message
1. because they suck
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bearded_cat Donating Member (119 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 01:26 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Well, you got me there
but there have been some good ones over the years. "Aliens" comes to mind first.
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Rick Myers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 01:31 PM
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3. They are expensive to make
And risky. Hollyweed would rather bet on 10 "Dude, Where's my Bosses Daughter?" than risk the money on an idea that requires more than one sentence to explain...
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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 02:02 PM
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4. Judging by all the sci-fi tv shows
they're too scared to make sci-fi movies.

ALl the tv shows are cheesy trek ripoffs anyway. A ship, a crew, going out to do things, they're good guys, no personalities whatsoever... big fat yawn.

We need more "Doctor Who", more "Sliders" (pre season 3!), especially more "Blake's 7"... The British don't ever spend money on sci-fi, but they get everything else right...
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Mal Donating Member (213 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 02:33 PM
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5. Here's another question.
With all the movies that are out there (movies in general, not just SF) why aren't there any plots? When was it that computer graphic special effects took the place of an actual plot? (Preferably believable, without gaping holes)
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bearded_cat Donating Member (119 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 02:36 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Good question
as our society has begun the descent into the pit of hell, not only the news organizations, but all media have descended into the land o' crap. There are still good movies out there, but they are harder to find.

I recommend a video release - "Tully"
It is a great movie experience.

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Rick Myers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 03:11 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. The moment EFX beat out plot occured
about the time Starship Poopers and Godzilla came out! BTW: "Starship Troopers 2: Someone Let Verhoven Direct Again" is in the works...
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bearded_cat Donating Member (119 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 03:29 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. whoa
surely you jest!!!!!!!
The Gods have been drinking, I think. Surely your info is mistaken. Lord of Hokies, surely you jest?!!!!

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RememberJohn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 03:41 PM
Response to Original message
9. Like other distinct genres, they come in waves...
It takes a really BIG sci-fi hit to spawn others. Once the genre gets tired, they taper off until another real BIG one, then the cycle starts again.

After 2001: A Space Odyssey, there were others but they eventually died off until...

Star Wars, which begat Battlestar Galactica, Battle Beyond the Stars, Galaxina, etc.
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