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Well, I celebrated a very important funeral today...

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 02:56 PM
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Well, I celebrated a very important funeral today...
My grandmother's. :-(

She would be 89 just 15 days from now.

Complications of Parkison's, osteoporosis, and Alzheimers ultimately did her in.

And now, what I'd seen re: Reagan-a-thon:

As a person, I feel for Reagan's family and, in ways, I can respect Nancy Reagan considerably (someone who objected to the Reagan dime and supporting stem cell research has got to be a reasonable human being and therefore worth listening to, I could care less if she had an affair. Everybody fucks around, so screw that argument.) My opinion of her despicable hubby, however, has not changed one iota, so don't think I've gone to the other side. O8)

Indeed, knowing Reagan's viewpoints on civil rights, I find it disturbing that three non-whites were his pall-bearers as I saw them on the tv this morning. My heart goes out to them for being able to overlook what a monster Reagan was in that respect.

I also saw Reagan's family on the telly. There was Patti (tall lanky thing with long hair. On her left was another woman. Short, frumpy looking... I swear, she looked like a Klingon. Anybody know who she was? She seemed angry, not sad. Angry at what, I wonder? Her hair? Knowing she looks like Kah'less? WHat?)
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Philosophy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-11-04 03:50 PM
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1. My grandmother died of Alzheimer's 6 months ago
She was also 89. I couldn't even attend her funeral because I was too broke to afford a plane ticket at the time because I had just moved and started a new job after an extended period of unemployment.
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