Nice to see other libs writing letters
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Fri Jun-11-04 03:05 PM
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Nice to see other libs writing letters |
This one came today............
The Americans have not yet has a party policy convention. If the conservatives win a majority then the extreme "Bush" type religious right wing mentality of Harper will come into play and it won't be nice. Some of the scary deals in the wings are the U.S. proposed continental water market and the continents resource sharing pact. Both of which would embed US rights over increases in Canada's future needs. and prices as is the case already for gas and oil. Other heart stoppers are the throwing open of telecommunications and media to foreign (read US) ownership. Home and security and collecting info on Canadians by Us corporations for Washington's intelligence banks. (E.G. Lockheed-martin is bidding on the Canada census contract. ) Privatization of healthcare and eventually all social services that can be ripped off through downsizing. These I believe are the worst hidden policies of Steven Harper and his self-righteous crusaders and of course there other odious aims concerning capital punishment, abortions etc. So don't buy something if you don't know what it is, it might be something really bad like Star Wars.
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