Some say he's the greatest president of the 20th century. And some say he's the greatest president...EVER!
Some want his image on the dime or the twenty dollar bill. Some want his likeness added to Mt. Rushmore.
I don't think any of that is enough to honor this fallen warrior.
I think his likeness should be on every piece of currency and every coin. I think we should level Mt. Rushmore with a few nukewlur cruise missiles and erect a 100 times life-size reinforced concrete statue of Reagan in his cowboy duds. His life size portrait should hang in every state capitol, city hall, courthouse, school, post office, corporate headquarters, church, synagogue, mosque, movie theater, casino, bordello, shopping mall, Wal-Mart, and McDonald's in America. His statuette should be included with every Happy Meal. His profile should be on every casino chip. Every license plate in the nation should bear his image. Washington, D.C. should be renamed Reagan, D.C. Ditto Washington state. George Washington Carver's name should be changed to George Reagan Carver. The Washington Monument becomes...well...you know. Washington and Lee University becomes Reagan and Lee. All first graders, for all generations to come forever, will have his name tattooed on their upper right (natch!) arm. Coca Cola will become Reagan Cola. Pepsi will be Gipper Cola. The nation's motto will be changed to "Win one for the Gipper". There. Happy now? <sarcasm off>