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The greeting card that I'd like to send to my cousin in prison...

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Tom_Foolery Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-14-04 11:27 AM
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The greeting card that I'd like to send to my cousin in prison...
Hey, I hate to hear that you're in the pen.
Maybe now you'll wise up and not do it again...DUMBASS!!!


Sorry to hear that you've lost your honey.
Maybe you shouldn't have stolen your mother's money...DUMBASS!


Sorry to hear that you're behind bars. Maybe now you'll quit stealing cars...DUMBASS!

Coming soon...the DUMBASS line of greeting cards inspired by some of my stupid family members.

The story is, my 25 year-old cousin has been stealing his mother's disability check to support his drug habit. He even sold thousands of dollars of farm equipment for just a few hundred dollars. The sheriff went and retrieved all the equipment after his mother FINALLY filed charges against him. Being a mother, of course, she let it go on as long as she could. It absolutely broke her heart to do it. His wife left over the whole thing. The stabilizing force in the family (his father) was killed in a car wreck a few years ago, and the family just went to hell. I feel sorry for the kid, but he has to learn sometime. He didn't steal any cars. I just thought that would be a funny card.
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Bog Frog Donating Member (214 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-14-04 11:29 AM
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nini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-14-04 11:32 AM
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2. that whole scenario is a nightmare
you wanna help them, but you can't. It usually takes a step like the mom took to really help him. I hope he gets the help he needs now and your aunt can get some peace of mind.

nice cards though.. ;-)
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demnan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-14-04 11:36 AM
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3. I have a brother who is a conman and a deadbeat Dad
when you get your card company going I'll buy some. Don't forget dead beat Dad cards:

Congratulations! You missed out on your daughter's high school graduation, just like you missed out on everything else in her life!!!

The only hope of her mother and me is that she not ever marry a bum like you!!
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