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Some more random questions

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jmowreader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 09:39 PM
Original message
Some more random questions
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?

3. What's your favorite wood?

4. What form of birth control do you use?
4a. If you had your choice, what would you use?

5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?

6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)

7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.

8. What's your favorite household task?
8a. And what's your least favorite?

9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.

10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?
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jmowreader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 09:43 PM
Response to Original message
1. My answers...
1. First we'd eat. Then we'd jam, he on sax, me on percussion.

2. Strangely enough, I'd choose the Pigboy. We'd smoke cigars.

3. Cherry, although southern yellow pine pays the mortgage.

4. Condoms.
4a. Vasectomy.

5. New York City.

6. Case of rum.

7. The most prominent landmark in town was once a slave auction house.

8. Cooking.
8a. Cleaning cat boxes.

9. Munsan, Korea. Absolutely nothing there.

10. Blondes.
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Insider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 12:29 AM
Response to Reply #1
17. that's right, fayetteville, nc
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Dookus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 09:44 PM
Response to Original message
2. ok
1) We go out drinking
2) Bob Dole, and we play party games.
3) Pine
4) Homosexuality
5) San Francisco
6) A kilo
7) There are none - Santa Cruz is a perfect city.
8) Taking out the garbage
b) mopping
9) Pittsburgh or Albuquerque
10) The pollacks
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No2W2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 09:54 PM
Response to Original message
3. answer
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?
-Cruse the McDonnalds and pick up girls.
2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?
-Pat Buchanan, Drink heavily (A tip from Doc Thompson)
3. What's your favorite wood?
The Larch
4. What form of birth control do you use? Presently divorcing, so that pretty much takes care of birth control.
4a. If you had your choice, what would you use? Anything that felt good and worked
5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?
6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)Pot. It would last a lot longer
7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.
Don't know
8. What's your favorite household task?laundry or cooking
8a. And what's your least favorite?snaking the toilet
9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.
Don't know
10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?Wouldn't do it.
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SarahB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 10:09 PM
Response to Original message
4. Answers
Edited on Tue Jun-15-04 10:10 PM by SarahBelle
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?

He's a man. I find him attractive. I'm a woman and I suspect he would too. You figure it out.

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?
Elizabeth Dole and talk about the work of the Red Cross and Viagra.

3. What's your favorite wood?

4. What form of birth control do you use?
4a. If you had your choice, what would you use?
Vasectomy is fine by me (easy as pie). If I were in another relationship, I'd probably go on a low dose estrogen pill (I figured out too much estrogen makes me gain weight too easily).

5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?
Rural Vermont or New Hampshire

6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)

7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.
There are way too many malls and chain restaurants. It was the first town in Ct to have a Walmart.

8. What's your favorite household task?
sewing stuff
8a. And what's your least favorite?

9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.
Shreveport, LA

10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?
The Irish maybe because of certain applicable stereotypes, but probably no one really knowing me.
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mac56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 10:19 PM
Response to Original message
5. 1. Go to a jazz club.
2. Patricia Heaton. Woo-hoo!

3. For furniture: maple. For BBQ: hickory.

4. Condoms.

4a. Nothing.

5. Chicago.

6. Beer. Good beer.

7. World's shittiest public transportation system.

8. Mowing the lawn.

8a. Painting.

9. Can't think of any.

10. Yuppies.
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TreasonousBastard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 10:27 PM
Response to Original message
6. OK...

1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?

Pick up girls, or at least hang out at the tittie bar.

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?

Helen Chenowith. I heard things about her.

3. What's your favorite wood?

Mine, of course.

4. What form of birth control do you use?


4a. If you had your choice, what would you use?

Sterilize everyone.

5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?

Ain't no freepers chasing ME out of town.

6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)

Why is there a choice here? I can have them all, and I will. Just you try and stop me.

7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.

We re-elected the mayor.

8. What's your favorite household task?

I have no favorite household task.

8a. And what's your least favorite?

All of them equally.

9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.

Scranton, PA., but there's a lot of competition.

10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?

Freepers do exist, and I tell jokes about everyone. What would change?

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Beware the Beast Man Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 10:45 PM
Response to Original message
7. My answers
1. Play Yahtzee
2. *, so we can do shots
3. Pine
4. None, my wife is on the pill
5. Back to Pittsburgh
6. Case of wine
7. The river caught on fire in the 70's
8. a. doing dishes
b. scooping the litter box
9. Washington, DC
10. None, ethnic jokes are too played out.
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Laszlo_Hollyfeld Donating Member (105 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 11:23 PM
Response to Original message
8. Okay whatever
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?

Teach him to paint.

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?

Okay, maybe John McCain. Teach him to paint.

3. What's your favorite wood?

:evilgrin: Mine.

4. What form of birth control do you use?

Whatever she uses and rubbers.

4a. If you had your choice, what would you use? Works for me. Whatever.

5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?

Canada, eh.

6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)

"Rather" - now there's an interesting concept.

7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.

It's name is a mispronounciation.

8. What's your favorite household task?
"Favorite" - now there's an interesting concept.

8a. And what's your least favorite?

Most of them.

9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.


10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?

I don't tell ethnic jokes, even about freepers.
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DeposeTheBoyKing Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 11:30 PM
Response to Original message
9. My answers
1. Travel to Oxford so he can show me the sights he saw as a student there.

2. Bob Dole. We'll travel around Kansas and reminisce about growing up there.

3. Cherry.

4. None (no need, unfortunately).

4a. None.

5. First of all, they'd have to kill me before I'd move for THEM. If I HAD to choose, I'd say Washington, D.C.

6. A case of wine (but I'd give it to someone else because I don't drink).

7. They recently re-routed our buses so as not to exacerbate the "depressions" in the cobblestone main drag.

8. Washing dishes.

8a. Cleaning the bathtub.

9. Rio de Janeiro (crazy drivers, thieving cabbies).

10. I don't tell ethnic jokes, but I suppose I could get away with Irish jokes because I'm Irish.

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NightTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 11:39 PM
Response to Original message
10. My answers
<<1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?>>

Pet him a lot and maybe feed him some Alpo. :evilgrin:

<<2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?>>

Kelsey Grammer. I'd ask him about his years on "Cheers" and "Frasier."

<<3. What's your favorite wood?>>

Edward D. Wood, Jr.

<<4. What form of birth control do you use?>>


<<4a. If you had your choice, what would you use?>>

A condom.

<<5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?>>

New York City or Montreal.

<<6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)>>


<<7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.>>

Hartford's new police chief, who was found through a $40,000 search, is not actually certified to be a police officer anymore. Oops!

<<8. What's your favorite household task?>>

None that I can think of.

<<8a. And what's your least favorite?>>

Anything that involves cleaning inanimate objects.

<<9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.>>

Las Vegas. It was fun the first couple of times, but by my third visit, the novelty had worn depressingly thin.

<<10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?>>

If freepers didn't exist, I wouldn't feel the need to tell jokes about any group of people! (How's that for a non-answer?)

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ironflange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 11:41 PM
Response to Original message
11. Oh boy, these are fun!
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?

Beer and pizza, watch the game. Maybe crossword races later, though he'd smoke me for sure.

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?

Bob Dole, beer and pizza, sit around and crack jokes.

3. What's your favorite wood?

Western Red Cedar

4. What form of birth control do you use?

I've been fixed.

5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?

Victoria, BC

6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)

Hard liquor, preferably an assortment

7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.

It's probably the most right-wing town in Canada

8. What's your favorite household task?


8a. And what's your least favorite?

Cleaning bathrooms

9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.

Matamoros, Mexico / Brownsville, Texas

10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?

Ukrainians, but only because I am one.

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jus_the_facts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 11:44 PM
Response to Original message
12. my random replies.....
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?

Play President and the Intern! :o

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?

It'd be with my favorite DAD...just hang.

3. What's your favorite wood? Cherry

4. What form of birth control do you use? condoms
4a. If you had your choice, what would you use? NONE

5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?


6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)

I'll take the WEED...MAAAAN! :smoke:

7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now. STINKS like rotten egg farts...'cuz o'the paper mill! x(

8. What's your favorite household task?

feedin' the kittencat

8a. And what's your least favorite?

cleanin' the kittencat's litter box

9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.


10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?

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UrbScotty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 11:48 PM
Response to Original message
13. Greetings from Kentwood, Michigan!
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do? Talk about Chelsea, Chelsea, and more Chelsea. :evilgrin:

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do? Gerald Ford lived not far from here, and represented my area in Congress for 25 years. I'd ask him about his football days (he was a star at the University of Michigan, and he turned down a pro football contract), his family, and living in West Michigan.

3. What's your favorite wood? Pinewood (that's the name of a local middle school)

4. What form of birth control do you use? Abstinence
4a. If you had your choice, what would you use? Abstinence (I know, I know)

5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go? Suburban Detroit, where my aunts, uncles, and cousins live. My extended family rocks! B-)

6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.) Wine

7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now. The school board and teackhers union are embroiled in a contract dispute with few signs of progress.

8. What's your favorite household task? Cooking
8a. And what's your least favorite? Cleaning

9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again. I'm lucky enough not to have such a city in mind.

10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about? I honestly don't know.
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BigMcLargehuge Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 11:52 PM
Response to Original message
14. my answers
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?

Talk economics (HA GOTCHA!)

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?

William Weld, former Gov of MA - Go to a Red Sox game

3. What's your favorite wood?

Nothing beats a nice piece of Hickoryp

4. What form of birth control do you use?
4a. If you had your choice, what would you use?


5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?

back to New Bedford, MA

6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)

Beer, good beerp

7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.

Out local government loaned a private person 250K to open a restaurant in downtown Derry, which is against the law

8. What's your favorite household task?
8a. And what's your least favorite?

favorite - Dishes least favorite - dusting

9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.


10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?

Portuguese... I can get away with it because I too am Portuguese

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Guy Fawkes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 12:18 AM
Response to Original message
15. toughie...
1. Play chess and eat milk + cookies.

2. George W. Bush himself: I hear he's a really nice guy (Al Franken said that!) and we'd watch Canadian hockey.

3. *cencored*

4. being single + unnatractive
4a. homosexuality

5. MADISON!!!!!

6. Wine: you can cook with it, or sell it for more.

7. We have a nuclear bomb timer factory, 3 strip clubs, a brewery, and a car factory... ALL well within city limits. We also used to have huge KKK rallies...

8. Waxing the cat
8a. cleaning up after said cat...

9. Janesville Wisconsin (I wish I didn't live there)

10. Jews. My Rabbi already tells tons of good ones, so I bet there are a bunch more.
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Insider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 12:28 AM
Response to Original message
16. answers
1. play scrabble
2. my former supervisor (he aint famous, but he IS a republican). we laugh loud & hard until we cry usually
3. cherry wood
4. same-sex partners
5. baltimore
6. abstinence, no thanks on drugs & alcohol (haagen-dazs, please?)
8. cleaning the bathroom, cuz the army taught me how
8a. ironing
9. unfortunately, philadelphia (depressing to me)
10. NOBODY it just doesn't feel like fun
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LWolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 12:30 AM
Response to Original message
18. ok
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?

Drink beer and play poker.

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?

Clint Eastwood. I want to talk about the horses he rode in his westerns. They were better than the average movie horse, and he sat them better than the average actor.

3. What's your favorite wood?

Depends on what the wood is for. :evilgrin:

Oak and cedar.

Living wood....the sequoia, the ponderosa, the oak, the willow, the maple

4. What form of birth control do you use?

tubal ligation

4a. If you had your choice, what would you use?


5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?

I assume they are funding the move. ;-)

I would go somewhere in Oregon or northern CA; whereever I could get the largest block of land next to national forest.

6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)

A case of....a keg of homebrew. Beer.

7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.

William J. "Pete" Knight. Howard "Buck" McKeon. George and Sharon Runner. Henry Hearns. Billy Pricer.

Oh. Just one. Ok. It's a dumping ground. Trash, unwanted pets, dead bodies...every body dumps in the desert.

8. What's your favorite household task?


8a. And what's your least favorite?

Floors & windows

9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.


10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?

I wouldn't tell ethnic jokes. I won't (I hope) use humor as thinly veiled bigotry or bashing; but if I did, I wouldn't be focused on ethnicity.
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Solly Mack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 12:54 AM
Response to Original message
19. hmmmmmm
1. You're going to spend the evening with the Big Dog. You can do anything except talk politics. What will the two of you do?

Play board games

2. As penance, you have to spend the evening with one living Republican. You have to be nice to him, and you can't talk politics. Which Republican and what will you do?

CBV (you didn't say famous republican) - Talk

3. What's your favorite wood?

4. What form of birth control do you use?


4a. If you had your choice, what would you use?


5. Your city was just overrun with freepers, who demand that you move. Where, within 1000 miles of where you live now, will you go?


6. Would you rather have a case of beer, a case of wine, a case of hard liquor, or a kilogram of marijuana? (Assume all are legal and permitted by your employer.)


7. Give one embarrassing fact about the city you live in now.

it's conservative

8. What's your favorite household task?

cleaning the bathroom
8a. And what's your least favorite?


9. Name a city you've been to you never want to go to again.


10. If freepers didn't exist, what group would you tell ethnic jokes about?

Dont ya have to have a culture in order to share a culture to claim an ethnicity?...btaim, republicans in general are fun to mock
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