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Parents defend principal in pot investigation

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Champ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 08:28 PM
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Parents defend principal in pot investigation
Both Lori Joseph and Jayne Chapuis have children who have been under Prinicpal Doug Crosier at Grassland Middle School. On Friday, two joints of marijuana were found in Crosier's luggage at the Nashville International Airport. Principal Crosier told News 2 over the phone Wednesday that the marijuana is not his.


Chapuis said, "I feel very strongly that if he says it's not his, it's not his, because he has really led myself and many others to believe that his word is gold. He cares about our school, he cares about our children. I believe him with all of my heart."

Joseph has known the principal for 14 years. She told News 2 that if the marijuana is ultimately found to be his, she feels he shouldn't lose his job.

"The bottom line is, we've got kids at Grassland Middle School that have been caught with pot. It's a misdeameanor, they they paid their time, and they're back in school. Should the same not be done for an adult that's done for a child? I just hope that people will give him the benefit of the doubt, and remember the integrity and the person that he is, and that let the investigation be conducted and just everybody sit tight," said Joseph.
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MrSlayer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-16-04 08:35 PM
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1. It's just pot.
I'd be more pissed off if he lied about it not being his than if he had it. Pot is no big deal at all.
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