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Thu Jun-17-04 06:14 PM
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In the latest Lay's TV commercial, they showed a map of the US turning from red (for Pringle's) to blue, for Lay's! Lay's is on our side, I tell you!
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Thu Jun-17-04 06:19 PM
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1. I thought you were talking about Ken Lay |
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Thu Jun-17-04 06:22 PM
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Lay's are clearly "blue chips"
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Thu Jun-17-04 06:23 PM
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3. Lay's are my favorite chip brand |
Yes I will vote for Lay's!!!!
Deja Q
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Thu Jun-17-04 06:49 PM
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4. Frito Lay? Part of Pepsico?!! 10 pounds of whole potatoes costs less... |
They are on nobody's side except the CEO's pocketbook.
ABC did a not-so-special 'special' last year (or 2 years ago?) about "The Search for America". The episode I'd seen was a 2 hour lovefest of Pepsico/Frito-Lay. It was a royal puke-a-thon, to say the very least.
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Thu Jun-17-04 06:54 PM
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5. I miss Charles' Chips... |
They came in large tins. The Charles' Chips truck would deliver them right to our door. I've not found a lighter, crispier chip.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:19 PM
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