At the beginning of the summer, coming back from college, I was going to go look for a new summer job. I wasn't a big fan of what I had done in the past, and wanted something new.
The first day I could, my mom told me "why bother, just stick with what you've got." So I did, just to make her happy.
Tonight, she's in a fit about goodness knows what and goes "next summer, when you get home, you look for a full-time job!" She of course doesn't bother to credit me for the original idea, or, you know, apologize for shooting it down when I thought of it.
Her: "Well, you should have been looking for other jobs and then called up (workplace)! AND THEN WHEN YOU GOT THE OTHER JOB, YOU COULD HAVE TOLD (original workplace) TO GO F*CK THEMSELVES! BUT NO, YOU WANNA GO THROUGH YOUR LIFE BEING HONEST AND VIRTUOUS!"
Me: "Yes, yes I do! Why is being honest a bad thing?"
Her: "Because it'll make you poor!"
She then- I'm not kidding- proceeded to go into the fetal position on her bed with her fingers in her ears rocking back and forth saying "I'm not gonna listen" when I dared to ask her why she had a problem with me, an Eagle Scout, being honest.
This woman raised me Dem, but she was pulling a Freeper.
The scary thing? She's on the INTEGRITY AND ETHICS board in the field she works. She hasn't, to my knowledge, been unethical at work, but the fact that she wants ME TO be that is scary, to say the least.