Occam's toothbrush
This principle states that for groups of two or more people with really
bad dentition, one of them is probably British. Of course the corollary
called Occam's dental floss goes on to state something about back hills of
Arkansas, but its use in modern science is widely disputed.
Occam's hairbrush
This principle applies to chaos theory and on the randomness of events.
It states that the chaotic state of a particle is inversely proportional
to the need for that particle. It applies to things such as shoelaces
which are more likely to become knotted in inverse proportion to how late
you are for an event and the importance of said event.
Occam's comb
A corollary of Occam's hairbrush it states that the ability to find an
object is inversely proportional to the need for said object. The late
Yul Brynner for example inexplicably always had a comb on hand to loan
to anyone in need.
Occam's styptic pencil (it's a sharp razor)
One's ability to cut oneself is directly proportional to the amount you
are already bleeding. Sometimes paraphrased as one good nick deserves
another more life threatening nick.