Dubya Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Raging Bull$hit
Swindler's List
Invasion of the Surplus Snatchers
The Silence of the Left
The French Conniption
Do the Wrong Thing
2001: A Space Monkey
On the OilFront
Dances with Wolfowitz
The Beer Hunter
Sleazy Rider
A Few Bad Men
Guess Whose Coming to the UN
American History W
Sheepless in Seattle
The Princess Bribe
The Sick Sense
Iraqnaphobia starring G.W. Bush as a man who fears two-bit dictators hiding in spiderholes.
George W. Bush: A Space Oddity
Suddenly Last NukeUlar Winter
No Absense of Malice
Razing Arizona, Florida, Montana, New York, and the other 50 states into the ground
Field of Nightmares
$hitty Slickers
Dr. Dubya or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Al Queda
Singing in the Acid Rain
Get Smart Clinton
Gullibles Travels (the journey of the Neocon sheep)
Bringing Up Baby Bush
The Roadkill Warrior
Some Like It Hot (Neocons on judgement day)
Dial W For Murder
Not so Great Expectations
Patriot Act Games
The Yellowcake Uranium Rose of Texas
Dubya: Prince of Theives
As Bad As it Gets
Crouching Rumsfeld, Hidden Cheney
20,000 Leagues Over Budget
1001 Arabian Jihadists
Oceans 9Eleven
A Shrub Grows in Fallujah
Which way to the Tet Offensive...