SPAM of the day
Champion Jack
(1000+ posts)
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Mon Jun-21-04 07:32 AM
Original message |
"When of short order cook is skinny, curse beyond fetishist sell to food stamp about.When clock related to impresario is treacherous, lover inside eat cyprus mulch related to.Most waifs believe that girl scout related to conquer squid for earring. knuckleball excel kindred merle chromosome capricorn " -------------------------------------------------------------
Girls scouts conquer squid.... Mmmmmmmm squid......
Renew Deal
(1000+ posts)
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Mon Jun-21-04 07:46 AM
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1. This is used to trick spam filters |
They will front load the email with innocuous terms and back load it with porn, viagra, and penis enlargers.
Mmmm Viagra ;)
AdBot (1000+ posts) |
Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:55 PM
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