"Don't worry honey, it was for America's own good. First Bush invaded a defenseless country WITHOUT PROVOCATION, murders 30K Iraqi civilians, steals their oil while leaving the rest of the country to be burned and looted. Then, he gives all his cronies plum contracts to fix all the stuff he broke in the first place - for TEN TIMES what is would cost to let the Iraqis do it themselves.
But we wouldn't want that, because all the money he takes from working taxpayers and gives to Halliburton goes right back to nice, rich, white people here in the US - where it belongs! Not only that, there's no real accounting of what's being done over there, so they could rebuild the same broken bridge or school 2 or 3 times, or just pretend they did and still get paid!
And later, when Bush leaves office, those same people will take GOOOOD care of him, with a nice seat on the board of the Carlyle Group. Isn't that great?"
"But mommy, will normal Americans like us ever see any of that money?"
"No, no, no, honey! that's for the brave venture capitalists that put their money on the line, lobbying for Bush to spend BILLIONS in taxpayer money to concoct wars for them! In fact, we get to pay skyrocketing gas prices! But that's just our way or supporting the troops - the troops at ExxonMobil and Shell that is!"
"Well, how about the soldiers that put their LIVES on the line. They make lots of money, right?"
"Oh, no, honey. They make about as much as a typical burger-flipper at McDonald's. But if they survive their multiple one-year tours in Iraq, they may get the GI Bill to pay for their college, so they can get one of those great jobs Bush is helping send to India. Sure, they may be missing a hand, or an eye, or even their minds, but it's worth it, because helping Halliburton is helping America and preserving FREEDOM!"