Republicans want to know...
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Tue Jun-22-04 08:35 AM
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Republicans want to know... |
This is what I got with my invitation email to a "Republican Party Meetup":
Agenda for Republican Party Meetup --------------------------------------------------------------- * How do you feel about the way G.W is being portrayed as Hitler regarding the current situation? * How can YOU help? How can you make a difference? Find out the answers at the the next Meetup!!! * Do you think Kerry is going to nominate H. Clinton for running mate? Do you think this would "harm" the Bush/Cheney re- election?
--------------------------------------------------------------- This is a 100% certified satire-free DU post.
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Tue Jun-22-04 08:36 AM
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1. They still think it's Hillary |
I almost want to go to a local repuke meetup just to sit there and laugh obnoxiously during the whole meeting
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Tue Jun-22-04 08:37 AM
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I hear she actually had five children,. but ate the other four.
Screaming Lord Byron
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Tue Jun-22-04 08:39 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. Well, a naked Dick Cheney did force her at gunpoint |
so she does have an excuse of sorts
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Tue Jun-22-04 08:42 AM
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4. Sounds like some very important |
This just shows the priorities of the GOP... what about health care, jobs, and the war?
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Tue Jun-22-04 03:09 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. If I were bored, I would go to the Pug meetup and ask them that |
Ask them where their high school graduate children are supposed to get health insurance.
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Tue Jun-22-04 03:48 PM
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6. That's just to get the pugs pissed so they'll get involved, give $, etc. |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:40 AM
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