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We lost a good Democrat last night: Curt 'Judge' Icenogle dead at 109.

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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 09:27 AM
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We lost a good Democrat last night: Curt 'Judge' Icenogle dead at 109.
Edited on Wed Jun-23-04 09:41 AM by Padraig18
I just heard on the news that our villages oldest resident, former Village President Curt Icenogle died at home yesterday evening; he was 109.

I had the privilege of knowing Judge Icenogle; he stopped into my shop every day for a St. Louis Post-Dispatch and 6 King Edward cigars. He was an ebullient individual, highly intelligent and definitely opinionated. He started out life as a Republican but, like so many of his generation, he became an unrepentant FDR/New Deal Democrat with the coming of the Great Depression and remained so until his death.

Curt was a lawyer who served 3 terms as County Court Judge in the 40's and 50's, when he decided to 'leave politics'; little did he know that his retirement would prove short-lived. 1957 was a bad year here: the village had an excess of problems and a shortage of cash with which to fix them; as the filing dealine for village elections came and went, no one filed for Village President. After all, who in their right mind would want such a thankless job? While sharing coffee at the Dutch Kitchen one morning shortly afterwards and listening to people bemoaning the lack of a candidate, Curt is reported to have said, "Hell, I'll do it--- I'm a Democrat and a lawyer, and it's hard to see how I could become less popular as village president", and thus was the deed done.

Curt served 9 consecutive terms as village president--- 36 years. His style of governing was.... well, 'unusual', one could say.; had he been an animal, he would most likely have been a banty rooster or badger, perhaps. A born autocrat, Curt said during many a stormy board meeting "By God, you elected me to do this job, and I'm going to do it; if you don't like it, run against me next time, but until then stay out of my way--- I'll do it the best way I know how!". Ever the pragmatist, Curt harangued enough money out of a notoriously tight-fisted Republican board to build a new water- and sewage-treatment plant, oversaw the pouring of 16 miles of sidewalks, replace all water and sewer mains, created the first storm-drainage plan the village ever had, built a new village hall and community center and 'ram-rodded' living-wage agreements for all village employees that still exist today. As a result of his almost single-handed efforts, our village has been able to both keep and attract employers, because our infrastructure is excellent and our public services first-rate.

Curt quit practicing law a few years before I arrived here; no longer able to stand for any length of time, he felt that his presence would diminish the dignity of the court. He still did some legal work out of his home, and often advised other attorneys on legal strategies and appelate law. Diminished in body, his mind remained as good as ever.

A widower since 1991, I know Curt was often lonely; none of his 8 children live here, and although he had many friends, he used to say that 'it's just not the same'. I'd like to think that he and his beloved Nell are together now, and that he's no longer lonely.

Bon voyage, Judge!

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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-23-04 09:44 AM
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1. A kick for the Judge.
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