Since my wife passed away almost 3 weeks ago, I have been extremely careful in resisting a spiritual, life-after-death psychological palliative.
Naturally, as a bitterly grieving surviving spouse, almost nothing would soothe my weary and drained emotions more than to be convinced that she is still with me, that she is happy and well, that she has made the transition well and that I needn't grieve over her loss, because she's still here in spirit - looking out for me, helping me, still being my best friend and companion.
But I haven't made up my mind about afterlife or after-consciousness - I will say that the people I have talked to who are regularly closest to the dying, are all quite convinced of it. Still, I am trying to keep my grief 'pure' and consistent with how I perceive the world and the nature of existence. People turn to faith at times like this, but that is precisely what I DON'T want to do. I need to understand, as best I can, the REAL nature of this loss, as much as it may hurt. Not place my faith in psychological opiates.
I had a dream about her last week - she was happy, free of her illness, looked great and seemed happy to be with me. It was beautiful - whether she 'visited' me, or it was just the product of a a stressed and obsessed brain, I don't know.
Last night, though, was a very strange night:
I had a read on a grief chatroom of a woman who tries to 'communicate' with her deceased husband by putting a picture under her pillow, lying down and relaxing, trying to be 'open'. I kind of tried this - I had some mellow, ambient electronica playing in my ofice, I lied down in the bedroom (adjoining) and just relaxed.
The room started feeling very...electric, not the best word but the closest I can come up with. It felt like something was happening - but nothing did, and I drifted off for a nap. About an hour later, I heard a loud, disturbing, jolting sound - kind of a mangled, tortured male voice, commanding or demanding something, distorted, loud. It woke me with a start - I heard the music coming from the other room, but didn't know where from or what that noise was.
Later, I turned on the X-Files to go to sleep to. Watched 30 minutes, turned off the TV and rolled over to go to sleep. About two hours later, the TV screen suddenly went on and shone totally white, with a dark band across the top. I reached over for the remote - hit the CABLE/TV button, power button, channel button - NOTHING did a thing for at least 4 or 5 minutes. Finally, I got the TV to turn on normally, and turn off.
In five years, I've never seen the cable do this in our house. Ever.
I sleep badly, and I had a dream where I watched my wife die on the floor of the ladies locker room at our health club - people were doing CPR on her, and I told them to be careful, lest she start bleeding.
Apart from the acute sadness, loneliness and grief I'm climbing through, this other stuff was very distrurbing. I sensed anger, guilt, frustration. Left me shaken.
Sorry for the heavy post, but this place has some thoughtful people and I'm craving, if not 'support', at least some feedback.