This is an absolute joke, some of the signs don't even make sense and look like one off experiences of the moron who wrote it. Look at the last one for god sakes, "you parade around in 5mile per gallon limos", is he talking normal people? Signs that you may be a Liberal.....
You are against the War on Terror, but are only too happy to make millions of dollars by making movies about it.
You preach about the evils of Capitalism from the comfort of your $10 million Beverly Hills palace
You think OJ is really looking for the killers . You fail to see the connection between Lenin and Lennon
You believe that if all guns were banned all crime would disappear
You think the government should have more control over the private lives of the people
You believe 1 + 1 = 2, or 3, or 4...as long as the child's self-esteem doesn't get hurt.
You believe the Bible is racist, sexist, and homophobic, but think the Koran should be required reading
You believe all hell would break loose if it werent for the UN.
You think Israel is the sole problem in the Middle-East
You said it was "un-ethical" for Bush to accept campaign donations from the NRA, but said nothing when Clinton accepted campaign donations on behaf of the Communist Chinese government.
You think Saddam had WMDs when Clinton was in office, but all of the sudden, didn't have them when Bush was in office.
You believe President Bush is too dumb to be President and Arnold Schwarzenegger is too dumb to be Governor of California, but the Dixie Chicks, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Eddie Vedder and Jeanine Garofalo are qualified to discourse at length on foreign policy
You think that porn should be federally protected per Freedom of Speech, but Natvaity scenes should be illegal
You applaud Jimmy Carter for talking about Human Rights, but screamed and shouted when President Bush actually did something about it.
You think a lawyer taking 33% from a settlement for his services is fair, but the Government taking 33% of your paycheck for taxes is "too low"
You find Christianity and anything relating to it potentially harmful to you and your children, but you're completely open-minded to Buddism, Taoism, witchcraft, etc
You think Christians should be federally monitered, but those arriving from areas known to be hostile to the US, should have, un-questioned access
You think we should have given Saddam 12 more years, and then 12 more on top of that, if he didn't comply by then
You think if a person makes more than $50,000/year, then he/she is cheating people and ripping them off.
You think being able to play the President on a popular TV drama automatically equates to "political wisdom" in real life.
You think if somebody disagrees w/what is being said, they are challenging or denying your rights to Free Speech
You scream and shout about Christians ramming their beliefs upon you, but you say nothing when Athiests do the same
You think the ACLU really gives a damn about individual rights
You think that poverty is caused by the wealthy
You think the Dixie Chicks and Tim Robbins should say what they want, but O'reilly, Hannity, and Limbaugh should be censored
You screamed and shouted when Ah-Nold allegedly groped women, but cheered when Bill Clinton did the same.
You protested American intervention in the Middle-East, because we did not have UN approval, but supported American intervention in Haiti, Somalia, and Bosnia, even though we did not have UN approval.
You are against sexual harrasment except when committed by a Kennedy or a Clinton
You object to little old ladies wearing fur, but not bikers wearing leather
You think that Doctors should be made into government bureaucrats, but that lawyers should not
You think O.J. is actually innocent, but that Bernard Goetz is not
You are against prayer in public schools..... even before the SAT
You only watch "All in The Family", because Meathead made so much sense
You think the answer to ANY crime, infraction, or injustice is counseling
You think having an open-mind means being "pro-Gay", "anti-Christian", "anti-Business", and "anti-Conservative".
You think only white people can be racist
You think Rush Limbaugh and Michael Reagan are mean spirited racists and promote hate crime but Maxine Waters, John Conyers and Louis Farakahn aren't and don't
You think that tax cuts hurt poor people and are uncompassionate but taking 30% from their paychecks is compassionate
You believe that posting the "Ten Commandments" in schools will hurt the children, but putting books in the library that promote homosexuality, paganism, ect "helps" the children.
You think that the only way the tragedy at Columbine could have been avoided was to outlaw legal, private gun ownership....even though the guns used were obtained illegally in the underground market
You think that pouring blood on a $1,500 fur coat is a sure-fire way to get your message across, but if anyone protests outside an abortion clinic, they're extremists!
You make snide remarks to guys for looking at women but champion Clinton's right to do whatever he wants with his interns
You think that the four cops who beat Rodney King should have been thrown in jail forever, but the four thugs who beat Reginald Denny should have fair justice
You called Vietnam Veterans "baby killers" but think that allowing a woman to dump her new-born in a trash can should be a "Constitutionally protected right".
You get mad when rape victims' sexual history is plastered all over the news media, but demand Paula Jones' sexual history "must be made public
You hear a news report of a man beat nearly to death because he is a minority or gay and you rally about punishing the bigot who committed the terrible act BUT, if you hear a news report of a man beat nearly to death for his money, and you start talking about the poor disadvantaged person who is forced to commit such acts to survive
You marched against American involvement in Vietnam, thought the Gulf war was unnecessary but believe 25,000 U.S. troops in Bosnia, Serbia, and Haiti are vital to our national interests
You would have supported the war Iraq, if Clinton or Gore was President
You are againsst censorship unless it's censoring race, Christianity, Conservatism, Western culture, Rush Limbaugh, or Ann Coulter
You cry, "You can't legislate morality," but defend the Roe v. Wade decision in order to legalize your moral position on abortion
You think Jesse Jackson is a good role model for Black youth.
You think hunters don't care about the enviroment, but wacky Seattle folks who have never stepped foot outside of their local Starbucks, do.
You think eating meat should be illegal
You think the Government should issue a mandate stating all foods must be "organically grown"
You think it takes a village, instead of parents, to raise a child
You think tolerance of your opinions and acceptance of your opinions go hand-in-hand
You believe that doctors are over-paid, but Trial Lawyers are not.
You think the name of God and Jesus should never be allowed to be uttered, unless in profanity
You scream and shout over alleged "violence" in Mel Gibson's "The Passion", yet you flocked to see "Kill Bill", "Freddy VS. Jason" , "The Texas Chainsaw Massacure" and play "Unreal" and "Duke Nuke'em", "Grand Theft Auto", ect. and said nothing about the violence portrayed in those.
You think that Celebrities and other media icons have the right to Free Speech and those who agree with them have the right to Freedom of Speech, but those who dare to disagree with them do not.
You think Ah-Nold should not be in politics because he's "just a celebrity", but you would have endorsed Martin Sheen, Sean Penn and company based on that sole criteria
You slam Ah-Nold for his father having alleged ties to the Nazi when you have a known and un-apologetic Klansman and public anti-Semite in your own company (Sen. Byrd)
You think Hollywood can say or do no wrong and should be treated as such
You think a child who is quietly and privately saying Grace before a meal at school, constitue the said child ramming his/her beliefs upon others
You are quick to bash Bush because of the decline in the economy, but when the economy improved, you refused to give credit and stated that Bush was not responsible, because as President, he had no control over the flow of the economy.
You turn a blind eye to the suicide bombings at the hands of radical fanatics, but condemn Israel and the Western World for wanting to keep their people safe from Terrorism
You think if Sean Penn or Martin Sheen said so, it should be hearlded as an instant, un-deniable truth.
You cheered and applauded when Clinton stated he "smoked pot but never inhaled" and at the same time, screamed and shouted when Rush Limbaugh admitted to being addicted to LEGALLY OBTAINED MEDICATION
You think Freedom of Speech is reserved for those who think as you do, but not for anybody else
You ban the Bible in schools because of Church/State, then welcome Islamic and New-Age, and other religion teachings in the same school
You think every problem can be solved by simply throwing money at it
You think more taxes are an ecomomic cure-all
When a violent crime is comitted with a gun, you think it's the gun itself, and not the offender, who is responsible
You blame the NRA, and not the criminals, for violent crime with guns
You think Freedom of Speech and agreeing with what is being said go hand-in-hand
You think everything wrong in the world is automatically Bush's fault and everything right in the world is automatically because of Clintoin
You feel people should "share the wealth" (as long as your money is not the one being "shared")
You think that being a Hollywood icon automatically means you are more "in tune" to world events than the leaders of the country
You complain about the SUVs and other less-econmical cars, yet you parade around in a 5-mile-per-gallon limo