The wise French director Godard once said, "The way to criticize a film is to make another film." That there is not a pro-Bush documentary available right now I am powerless to explain. Surely, however, the Republican National Convention will open with such a documentary, which will position Bush comfortably between Ronald Reagan and God. The Democratic convention will have a wondrous film about John Kerry. Anyone who thinks one of these documentaries is "presenting facts objectively without editorializing" should look at the other one.
(end quote)
Highly recommended reading:
http://www.suntimes.com/output/eb-feature/cst-ftr-moore18.htmlOne thing I really like about it, is that Ebert discloses his own political views, but doesn't let them blind him to what is and isn't good filmmaking. The column includes his disappointment with a few aspects of Bowling for Columbine:
Because I agree with Moore's politics, his inaccuracies pained me, and I wrote about them in my Answer Man column. Moore wrote me that he didn't expect such attacks "from you, of all people." But I cannot ignore flaws simply because I agree with the filmmaker. In hurting his cause, he wounds mine.
(end quote)
I don't agree completely with Ebert on the accuracy statement, but that's one of the things I like best about the people on our side: we don't sound like we're all working from the same script.