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Geeks Fight In Court For The Right To Be Called Well, Geeks

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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:00 AM
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Geeks Fight In Court For The Right To Be Called Well, Geeks

That geek mystique
Two firms fight for nerdish label
By Robert Gavin, Globe Staff | June 25, 2004

Not so long ago, the name ‘‘geek’’ was one to be avoided. But now the wearers of pocket protectors, flood pants, and thick glasses have acquired a certain geek mystique — so cool, in fact, that two companies are battling in federal court over who has the right to be called ‘‘geek.’’

The Geek Squad Inc. of Minneapolis, a unit of retailing giant Best Buy Co., recently filed suit in US District Court in Boston against Geek Housecalls Inc. of Lexington, charging trademark infringement. Both firms provide technical support for home computers. In its complaint, the older Minnesota company claims the Massachusetts company adopted a similar name to capitalize on its established reputation and business.

But Dave Ehlke, the founder of Geek Housecalls with 30 years in the technology, said he and his partner, Andy Trask, adopted the name for two reasons: ‘‘We’re geeks. And we make housecalls.’’

In many ways, the suit is an example of how deeply technology has become ingrained in American culture and how those derided over generations as poindexters, brainiacs, squares, and nerds have become its heroes. Robert Stephens, founder and chief inspector of the Geek Squad — the title ‘‘chief executive,’’ he said, just didn’t fit — blames society.
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realisticphish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 10:45 AM
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1. sigh
can't us geeks just get along?
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jmowreader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-25-04 11:30 AM
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2. Okay, children, this is what we're going to do
Geek Housecalls was here first. They can remain geeks.

You Geek Squad guys can be either nerds or geeks. Since your company opened after Geek Housecalls, if you decide to be nerds you have to change all of your stationery and signage to "Nerd Squad" at your own expense. After all, they weren't pissed off at your being geeks--there's enough geekiness for everyone.

This suit is dismissed with prejudice so Burger King won't get the bright idea to start suing every quick-service restaurant with the word "burger" in its name.
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