Edited on Fri Jun-25-04 05:25 PM by Hardhead
Just checked the garden and found handfuls! It's harvest time! A trio of ripe Beefmasters were ready to fall. Four Patios were hanging by a thread. Half a dozen gorgeous Mr. Stripeys joined them, along with 4 Grapes. (There were seven additional ripe ones that had split open due to heavy rains.) No pesticides whatsoever, just fresh goodness.
Happiness is a homegrown mater. :)
Supposedly, our forebears thought they were poisonous. I've always wondered if that's an apochryphal tale. A woman reportedly fainted at the sight of a man eating a fresh-picked Mater.
But who could resist these gorgeous red fruit? This weekend I'll harvest some of the green ones and make Fried Green Maters. Mmmmmmmmm!!! :9
Meanwhile, the beans and squash are coming along well and the white corn is 6 feet tall. :)
You know you're getting old when you get excited about your veggies!