Totally forced and fake.
Of course, since then they also now have a STRIPPER dancing on a pole every episode. :eyes:
It's a joke.
Being stuck in "love triangle" mode for something like a thousand episodes hasn't helped, I long for the days when KKK or 80,000 pound guests appear like they always did in the beginning... On the other hand, for any new KKK episodes, would they have a black guy in whiteface making taunts? And for the obese people episodes, would they show lots of pictures of food, Jerry eating food, or audience members EATING the food in front of them? :eyes: :eyes:
More importantly, would you want to see a KKK dude strip nekkid (apart from the mask, true bold heroes to White America as they are... :eyes: )
We all know they love it when fat people strip, for they bring in that stupid cow moo noise and encourage the audience to groan and imitate vomiting motions. :eyes:
Worst of all, Jerry Springer has to be a closet repuke, no Dem would put on this sort of gaudy travesty - with or without any new KKK or fat people episodes.
I wonder, with the new obscene format, what they'd do with siamese twins...