Since I can't see Fahrenheith 9/11 til Monday now
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Sat Jun-26-04 02:21 PM
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Since I can't see Fahrenheith 9/11 til Monday now |
What should I do tonight? Hit the clubs and look for hot and willing men or hang around on DU and annoy people?
I suppose I should be happy that I can't see it, but DAMMIT!! Bad news for me, good news for Michael Moore and the rest of us who want to see the criminals in our WH do the perp walk.
:( :D :cry: :bounce:
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Sat Jun-26-04 02:29 PM
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1. I'm going to buy a pipe |
And take up pipe smoking. I can't see it till next week either.
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Sat Jun-26-04 02:35 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
Perhaps you could post a pic of yourself with said pipe and I can make fun of you? ;)
King Of Paperboys
(958 posts)
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Sat Jun-26-04 02:37 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. As a decades-long pipe-smoker |
I find your gratuitous and vicious attacks offensive.
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Sat Jun-26-04 02:42 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
5. Yay!! It's only been a few minutes and I've already annoyed someone!! |
Have I told you lately how often my paperboy misses the mark? What's up with paperboys and their bad aim anyway? :shrug:
Gothic Sponge
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Sat Jun-26-04 02:38 PM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:53 PM
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