I'm into anime to a large extent and games to a small extent. I stumbled across the online comic Megatokyo. I will not attempt to describe the plot - it's incomprehensible but incredibly funny.
The website has an online forum where people talk about all sorts of stuff - the storyline, music, physics even politics.
I would have expected their politics to be somewhat liberal. They're a bunch of Freepers.
http://forums.megatokyo.com/index.php?showtopic=1676601I don't think he hates America. He just makes money off of those who do. He is the PT Barnum of the red/brown tinfoil brigades. I mean where esle can a marginally talented community college drop out become a multi millonare at his age?
MM is a is, as everyone else agrees, a dumbass. He's a hollywood liar who suckers teenage librals into believing his lies in an effort to make money and feel like his life isn't wasted, even though it actually is.
Michel Moore is one of those media character who enjoys telling the world his views. He knows what to so and who to say it too. Unfortunately, there a lot of idiots out there who prefers to have someone think for them rather than think for themselves.
And no, I don't think he hates America. All I have to say is that he was awarded 1st place in a French film festival....
BTW, any Coulter fans on the board?
Limbaugh has his problems (drugs being the main impedus behind all of them, IMO, but that's another topic), but not being strong on citations isn't one of them. I'd suggest you read up on the problems he had getting his books published in the early 90's. Ever seen his TV show? Website? They are (were in the case of the TV show) rife with citation. Clinton made it sooooo easy back in the early 90's. Take 30 second clip of Clinton saying X - follow with Clinton saying not X. You could do that all day, until Billy lost Congress to Newt.
I would consider the majority of America to be conservative.:wtf: