I just got back from Ohio, where I saw F-9/11 with a group of friends. Back in early 2002, I got my first computer (the Mac I use now) and immediately began researching why the F-15s didn't fly on 9/11 (a question I had since the day itself). Right away, I found out about the Caspian oil pipeline, Ashcroft not flying commercial aircraft prior to 9/11, and the Bin Laden family flight out of the US. I didn't discover DU until much later that year, but felt like I had come home when I did. The work Ewing2001 and Sterling had done really helped to connect the dots. I had one liberal friend who, along with many of his friends and family, nearly had gone Dennis Miller on me. I was determined to bring him back into the light. We talked regularly late at night, as we are both self employed artists with hellish deadlines (he's the creator of the popular "Bone" comic book series). At first he thought I was just a wacky conspiracy theorist. It wasn't until about five months ago that he really began to believe me. I attended F-9/11 with he, his wife and friends. They all didn't think Bush* was that bad before the film, and said "We'll have to send Jeff and Jen to another row, let the wacky conspiracy theorists get insane with Bush hate together"!
Well, after the show, they apologized to us, and to me in particular! All during the film, Jeff kept nudging me as article after article that I had sent him was brought up on screen. The others said that they felt as devastated after the film as they did after 9/11; their whole world was turned upside down. They said that Bush-someone they thought "deserved the benefit of the doubt"before the movie- deserved to be jettisoned onto a lifeless planet! They added that November can't come soon enough! :-)