My Legal Aid attorney bought me a latte before court. We won--that's some pretty strong stuff. I've heard that Starbucks does carry some fair trade coffee, but only because they were forced to, and they carry lots of unfair trade coffee. I've always bought my instant coffee at the 99-cent store, but I recently purchased a coffee grinder and a coffee maker (the latter hasn't arrived yet, but has been shipped), and intend to buy my fair trade coffe at Trader Joe's. I've had good coffee before--when I lived in Honduras fresh-roasted coffee was usually available.
I don't think I've ever bought anything at Barnes & Noble--if I did it had to have been more than 40 years ago. I favor independent booksellers on the rare occasions that I can actually afford to purchase a book, but for the most part I use the public library, which needs all the support it can get these days. I recently learned how to renew and reserve books online.
Giant multinationals I love? Nope. They're too high-maintenance for me.