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DU Green Thumbs - HELP

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Catch22Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 08:36 PM
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DU Green Thumbs - HELP
I'm losing the war against the crabgrass insurgents. They've taken over most of the outskirts and have many strongholds throughout the main area of my occupation.

Seriously, how do I get rid of the crabgrass this late in the season and still have a nice yard. This yard is FULL SUN in Okla.
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FloridaPat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 09:30 PM
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1. Scott's Turf Builder makes lots of promises. I haven't tried it.
Use that and lots of seeds and water. Or put in astro turf.
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Don_G Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 09:35 PM
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2. RoundUp
Will work but you can't replant grass seed for a minimum of 2 weeks and there's no guarentee the grass will come up this late in the season.

If Scott's dosen't work then you may have to wait for fall to do it.
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kevinam Donating Member (475 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 10:30 PM
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3. dig 'em up!!!!
But really, this late in the year it will be tough to get rid of the crabgrass. I don't have a very green thumb, but here goes. If you can dig them up, put some top soil and seed in the hole. Water it frequently, and maybe the new grass will take. I am guessing you have a fescue type of lawn. I have centipede, which is great, but what happens in my lawn is that during the late stages of the dormant season (March/April), I get lots of weeds, primarily wild onion and dandelions (I am guessing what they are). Anyway, as the centipede comes to life, and starts to grow, the root system becomes thick and healthy, and in essence chokes out the weeds. So come May or June, depending on rain, the weeds pretty much disappear. With that, I would suggest you find out what would make your lawn/roots the healthiest. That should help keep the weeds down. For info on the type of grass you have, and how to grow it in your area, you might try your county extension office. I have been to mine, and the people are real nice. They know your area, and should have the best advice for weeds/grass in your area. Actually, you might even be able to call them and get some pointers. Good luck...Kevin.
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ZenLefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 10:57 PM
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4. There is a good solution.
Surrender. Once you realize that crabgrass makes a nice ground cover, your worries will be over. :)
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