I saw an unidentified flying object on Sunday and would like opinions as to what it could have been. Here goes!
My cousin and I were relaxing by the pool in lounge chairs when we both saw an object directly overhead. It was 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The day was clear with a few "fair weather" clouds – the kind you see floating around on a clear summer day. There were also some light high altitude clouds. Anyhow, at first glance I thought I was seeing a gliding bird (no flapping wings) flying 100-200 feet above us. Then I realized that it appeared to be round. It was white, and, at first, I thought I saw black edges. We both remarked "what's that?" and "it's really moving fast." As it moved across the sky, it appeared to become rapidly smaller and took on a reddish hue. I assume the reddish hue was a reflection from the sun as the object headed NNE. The object was UNDER cloud level and as it moved between two adjacent clouds, it went under the first cloud and then went OVER the second. That's when I realized that the object was rapidly rising and was at a much higher altitude than I had first thought. I didn't see it again after it disappeared behind the cloud. It was TOTALLY silent. A few minutes later a small jet went overhead (not a fighter), but not in exactly the same direction and the jet remained under cloud altitude. The apparent speed of that white object was quite a bit faster than the speed of the jet. From the time we first saw it directly overhead until it disappeared was about 5 to 8 seconds. In that time it traveled from directly overhead to about halfway to the horizon. In any case, it was no weather balloon – the clouds at that level were barely moving at all and the object was moving slightly across the direction of cloud movement.
We are between two international airports and several small airports. The nearest military establishment is at least 100 miles away. I'm still shaking my head and wondering. I'm thinking if that is an experimental aircraft, it is probably so secret that I'll probably not find out in my lifetime what it was. Any ideas?