Best Song Title and artist...
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Tue Jun-29-04 11:03 AM
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Best Song Title and artist... |
"I EAT CANNIBALS" by Total Coelo.
What's your choice?
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Tue Jun-29-04 11:17 AM
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For sheer dual impact, almost anything by the butthole surfers, but particularly Pee Pee The Sailor or I Saw an X Ray of a Girl Passing Gas.
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Tue Jun-29-04 08:59 PM
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Oh, that's too funny! Never heard of that song.
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Tue Jun-29-04 11:31 AM
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2. "You're The Wish You Are I Had" - XTC |
What was I supposed to do? I turned around with the world and she simply was there My blood ran like ice right through She had your face and your lips And your eyes and your hair
You're the wish you are I had You're the wish you are I had You're the wish that I had
I wonder if she knows that when I made her up I made her eat an apple And I made her drink a cup or two
Wish wish wish wish wish Wish wish wish wish wish for you
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Tue Jun-29-04 09:18 PM
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4. Johnny Pissoff Meets the Red Angel - The Fugs |
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Warren Zevon Stupidly Happy - XTC Flower Punk - The Mothers of Invention Take the Skinheads Bowling - Camper Beethoven
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:24 PM
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