I've had to deal with three of them in the last 24 hours and I'm just about ready to get out my favourite axe.
You've probably seen the type. They're large, short, older men - "life of the party" types who socialize really well, fast with a joke or a funny comment. They love a crowd and being the centre of attention. Everybody loves them.
They have the IQ of a flea. They have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. They have strong opinions on lots of topics based upon....I don't know what they're based upon. Obviously not reality.
They have the observational skills of a rock. You could stand in front of them with a blowhorn and a flamethrower and they wouldn't notice.
I was in a rehearsal with one of them. The conductor got up front and motioned for quiet. That got most people. He tapped the baton. That got all the rest - except for the extrovert. He kept right on talking to his neighbour. I said "John's ready to go". Nothing. I tapped him on the shoulder. Nothing. I made waving motions in front of his eyes. Nothing. Several people screamed at him. That finally got his attention. Then he apologized. At length. Several times. At length. Then he started telling a funny story. WHAT PART OF FUCKING SHUT UP DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?
Last night I had two of them simulatenously. We were all working the same job. We were supposed to sit in a chair and monitor something and not talk to anybody while a crowd of people around us performed an important task. We especially were not allowed anywhere's near the door. One of them showed up around 8 a.m. He started walking around joking and talking to people. The boss told him to sit down. 30 seconds later he's at the door socializing. The boss got him seated again. Then he's chatting with co-workers. Then he's back at the door. Then he's trying to talk to me and flummoxed that I won't talk to him. He starts getting offended. The boss gets him to sit down again. He lasts 10 minutes. This goes on for hours.
Then a second guy shows up. He's in my section to I explain the rules. I explain how the other guy's screwing up and all the trouble it's causing. He nods his head in agreement, explains all the rules back to me, explains what the other guy's doing wrong and why. Then he goes and stands at the door and starts socializing. FUCK!!! I get him back, sit him down and explain it again. He repeats it all back. He lasts for about half an hour, then he starts walking around the room socializing. I glare at him and he sits down for about 10 minutes, then he's at the door again. SHIT!! The boss snags him, explains it AGAIN, he nods total agreement, goes and sits down, chats with everyone around him, then wanders back to the door. I finally bellowed in his ear "IF YOU DO NOT SIT DOWN AND STAY SITTING DOWN, YOU'RE GOING TO GET FIRED, AND I'M GOING TO GET FIRED AND IF I GET FIRED I'M GOING TO KILL YOU. I AM INSANE. I WILL DO IT." He sat in the corner shivering :scared: until the end of shift.