The power went off at about 8am, and stayed off. Not the entire neighborhood, of course, just our little isolated block of castles.
It stayed off until 4:30pm! Auugghhh!! Just long enough to bleed all the cold air from the fridge and freezer, thus threatening a whole bunch of munchables with disgusting disintigration. This sucks, sez I, as I call the power company to whine about our misfortune-- the call took place at about 2pm (so I was busy all morning). I got a robot who promised me faithfully a REAL HUMAN would return my call promptly.
Yeah. Right.
The one funny coinkidink I can't quite assimilate is: Almost ten minutes to the tick after the power finally flickered back into our copper conduits, the REAL HUMAN called, asking if someone at this number had reported a power outage. Yeah, sez I, thanks for the promptness, but you're a putz and it's 8.5 hours TOO LATE.
It's a very good thing I had lots to do in town, and was able to spend the day either in an air-conditioned auto, or a power-filled, air-conditioned somewhere else, while my humble abode cooked and melted.
And dammit, I bet my waterbed is too cold to climb into now! --On second thought, that might actually feel GOOD...