Dream #1: I'm sleeping on my mother's couch, because something has invaded my house. Well, at least I have my computer with me. The bad news is, it wakes me up by rebooting itself, and I'm presented with the message that I've been hit with a virus, and if I shut down or reboot again, it will destroy everything on my hard disk. A Powerpoint-like presentation begins, listing in detail the many folders and files it's already deleted.
Dream #2: Stuck in a sandstorm in the middle of Iraq. There are two forms of shelter to choose from: a small building nearby, or this temporary sand-shelter thing I can't even begin to describe, which is further away. There are two men, both in tunics, with me. I urge them to choose the building, but they choose this other thing, into which the three of us really don't fit. It's quite claustrophobic.
I tell you, if I dream about * tonight, I'm killing my television.