Edited on Sat Aug-30-03 12:46 PM by devin79
Boy, the latest Article by Republican idiot and all around coward Ann Coulter, is truly a piece of work. I hate to break it to Ann, but once again she has fucked up the facts. First of all Jessica Stern is a "Terrorisim expert", she knows a shit load more the Ann Coulter does about the subject. Actually Ann doesn't know shit about any subject so knowing more then her isn't difficult. Unlike Coulter, who barely managed to pass High School, Stern is a smart woman who spoke the truth in her NY Times article, that fact that Coulter is a cowardly Republican who can't handle the truth is hardly surprising. Next Ann was dumb enough to say that Liberals favorte country was Iraq, well that is interesting considering it was the moronic Ronald Reagan (A Republican) who sent his "Butt Boy" Donald Rumsfeld down to Iraq to shake hands with Saddan Hussein and then proceeded to give him Smallpox and Anthrax cultures so Saddam could start a bio-weapons program in the first place. Yes it is truly sad that a traitorous American like Idiot Ann Coulter can write columns that are full of lies and prove what a loser she is. In my opinion Ann Coulter is a parasite on this great country, and she should be locked up for the good of the country. Most of Coulter's facts are pulled right out of her cute little ass:9 like when she claimed Clinton was responsible for 9/11. Apparently Ann is so dumb that she forgot it was Bush, not Bill, that was President on 9/11. The worst terrorist attck in History happened because George Bush is a moron and a coward. George Bush has insulted every brave American who died that day, by giving Osama "Bitch" Laden a pass. If a REAL man with the qualities of a JFK or John Kerry was President, Osama and Saddam would be dead by now. Ann needs to check her anger of superior Dems like Jessica Stern or Maureen Dowd, it is shamefull how jealous she is of them. As the great General Patton said: "I like when the enemy shoots at me; then I know where the bastards are and can kill them" Unfortunately in this case the enemy is cowardly Republicans who are to incompetent to do thier jobs, and Ann Coulter is thier pathetic propagandist:evilfrown:
PS. One other thing Ann Coulter said, was that we havn't heard anything from Bin Laden or Hussein, so apparently this means George Bush is winning against them. Funny but how does Ann explain the Saudi Bombing, the Jordanian Embassy bombing, the UN Bombing, and now the shitte mosque bombing, all of these are linked to either Al Qaida (Osama Bin Laden) or Hussien's people. It sounds to me like they aere both making ALOT of noise, so maybe Ann should pull her head out of her ass and get her facts straight before she mouths off.