How do porn spammers find out your real name?
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Mon Sep-01-03 02:22 PM
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How do porn spammers find out your real name? |
I know it's on your hotmail options and appears when you send emails, but I never sent any to them, and now I'm getting crap like "hot girls really want to fuck you Zack dsfasdfsda". is there any way to find out a person's name from their email without receiving an email from them?
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Mon Sep-01-03 02:33 PM
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The most likely one is that either MSN or some other group where you have your email signed up has sold your address to a third party. Usually some kind of marketing firm who then turns around and sells this "data" to corporations or individuals like spammers.
I'm not sure about MSN's policies, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that this is how you're getting stuff like this.
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