Or tell me how I might forward this to her myself? I found this on a posting on another forum I'm on, and thought of her.
Hoping all is as well as can be...PS: Tell her the score is 2 laugh, 1 cry.
"One interesting turn of events locally yesterday... a light plane crashed into rugged terrain a few miles from Casa BigDog yesterday morning. The pilot walked away, actually was airlifted out on a long line by our Sheriff's Department helicopter Henry One with minor injuries and needing some stitches. Seems that when he crawled out of the wreck the first thing he could think of was to call his fiance. She in turn called 911, then jumped in her car to go to him. While en route, she was rear ended on the freeway, sufferring a broken collar bone among other injuries. When the pilot arrived at the ER, imagine his surprise to find his fiance in the next bed and with injuries worse than his. Despite their injuries both are alive and well to scratch their heads at the wonder of it all."