Manufacturer Coupons: Clip-em? Use-em?
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Wed Sep-03-03 02:46 PM
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Poll question: Manufacturer Coupons: Clip-em? Use-em? |
Are you one of those super-organized shoppers who clips and sorts and organizes their coupons? And do you ALWAYS remember to use them before they expire?
Or are you like me: you clip them... save them... throw them in the junk-drawer and forget to use them before they expire?
(They ought to give us their best price up front... why make me jump through hoops and play these "hunt-n-seek" games with coupons.)
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Wed Sep-03-03 04:03 PM
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1. I don't usually clip -- my wife does. |
She hands them to me when I go to the store. Most often, I still forget to use them.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:08 AM
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