Edited on Thu Sep-04-03 01:48 AM by CanuckAmok
So, I had to take the ferry from Vancouver to Vancouver Island, and I was about an hour early for the boat. I left my vehicle in the lineup, and walked into the town to grab a bite and a paper.
I noticed along the way, how many US plates were in the ferry line-up, considering it's after Labour Day. But nothing too unusual.
When I got back to my ride, there was a really big guy standing beside it, looking at my "Impeach Bush" bumpersticker. He's early 50's I'd say, and wearing a USMC baseball cap--and not a fasionalble one--but the kind that are all rigid, with the plastic mesh in the back (the human equivelent of the rattlesnake's rattle--STAY AWAY).
I figure, okay, here we go...
But here's what happened:
Guy: Hey, is this your car?
Me: Yeah...
Guy: Didja get that sticker here in Canada?
Me: (playing dumb) Which one?
Guy: the one that says you don't like the President
Me: (stock response) It doesn't say anything about the President-it says "Impeach Bush"
Guy: so, who would you vote for?
Me: I don't really know about the issues enough to decide--not that it matters for my vote, but that anyone but Bush would be fine.
Guy: Why's that?
Me: (touching on points of Ken Lay, Texas ANG desertion, part of the Ruling Class, alcoholism, religious zealotry, criminal record, messiah complex, shady connections to Haliburton/OBL, etc... you guys know the drill). I basically say that I wouldn't vote for anyone I wouldn't trust to flip my burgers.
Guy: Those are good points. Who do you think I'll be voting for?
Me: (assuming Bush but saying...) I don't know. I suppose that's your personal business. Guy: (Laughs): Too true! But, okay, where can I get one of those stickers?
And I'm like, huh, who was the reactionary in that conversation--I was!!
Anyway, we chatted a bit before we had to board, and his sons (x2) are in Iraq right now, and are constantly critical of the way they're being used. This guy says he and they have always been Repubs, but won't vote Repub until it doesn't mean voting for a Bush. This guy says he's a 'Nam Vet, and is disgusted by the way the Vets are being treated, and by the reduction in wages/benefits his sons will receive under the Bush Plan. I tell him about Veterans for Peace, and he tells me he's thinking about joining but gets flack whenever he talks about VFP with his War buddies.
He says, and these are his exact words: "I vote Republican; I don't vote junta! Bush is no good for this country or this world"
Damn, talking with Americans.