Before I say anything else, let me say that I love my wife with all my heart and I always will. She is absolutely the sweetest person and is very smart, plus we have tons of stuff in common. She isn't a political person, but she can see the logic in just about everything I rant on about to her. :) Also, she's been caught reading "Stupid White Men" while on the can and she says she loves Michael Moore's humor.
I find myself totally unable to sleep right now, but Jeanette has been out like a light for the past couple hours.
So... I'm sitting here at the desk, which is right next to the bed, and out of nowhere in a very clear voice she chimes in with, "Now, THAT was really something!" I turned around and asked her what she meant, thinking maybe she was watching me here on DU and happened to see a picture or headline that caught her attention. Her reply to that was "The mask! You know, Mel Torme?" Keep in mind that she was looking straight at me and seemed totally lucid throughout this exchange. I got a look of puzzlement on my face that I'm sure was priceless and said, "Honey, you've completely lost me...." Then she goes on again about a mask (a tiger mask this time) and Mel Torme. I was so bamboozled that all I could do was get up out of my chair, lean over and give her a big kiss on the mouth then a pat on the arm. She was back asleep within 30 seconds like nothing happened.
This is not the first time this has happened. One night she started going on about something on the ceiling and kept insisting there was glitter and streamers up there. She was vague about what had her attention at first but the more I questioned her the more she started going on about decorations on the ceiling. At first, I was looking all over for some huge nasty spider or something and honestly thought there was something there. I was in a feisty mood that night so I started teasing her about it, but she ended up realizing that she was having hallucinations and got very upset and defensive with me. I ironed things out with her the following morning and things were fine after that.
So, really... just what the hell is going on here? Is there cause for concern with this, or do a lot of people do it? At least she doesn't sleepwalk or anything although I don't think there's much of a stretch between the above behavior - looking totally lucid but raving like Bob Boudelang in rapture - and running outside to play with the stray ferret and emu that live in the building's outdoor sprinkler system.
What do you all think?