I posted on this the other day, but could not hang around to read responses. Someone else posted with the same problem earlier today, but didn't get many responses (
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=105&topic_id=160243). I am re-posting it to make the subject line more specific regarding the problem, to see if any of you out there have encountered it.
Has anyone encountered this phenomenon? Huge temp files (up to 40GB) start growing on my harddrive when the McAfee Virus Scan's e-mail scan module (McVSEscn.exe) is running and I check my e-mail. This starts immediately and the files grow to the point of filling the harddrive
within minutes. The only way I can delete them is to close McVSEscn.exe.
As I state in the other thread, I contacted McAfee help, and they directed me to delete files and cookies in Explorer, then to delete all the files in the temp folder (Local Settings / Temp) where the giant files were accumulating. But I had already been able to delete the giant McAfee temp files. The only thing I see that I did differently at their direction was to delete some Acrobat temp files (Acr*.tmp) that had been left there. These were the only files residing here when all Applications were shut down. These files were NOT huge files (just a few KB)
This action seems to have solved the problem, but I'm not sure. But they seemed sure that it would (I had told them that the McAfee temp files were already deleted). I did not specifically mention the Acrobat files, but they just directed me to delete everything in the folder. I have started up again, re-started the e-mail scan module, and checked e-mail numersous times without the huge files appearing.
Anyone have any insights? A bug related to how McAfee reads these Acrobat temp files? Maybe it thinks they're viruses and goes crazy? Could it actually be a virus causing this? (McAfee, with the latest updates, doesn't see it). Could it be a backdoor for a hacker. I'm tempted to think it's some glitch in McAfee b/c the tech support guy did not seem to worried, and was very confident my problem was solved. He never told me what the cause of the problem was, though.