Not posts here. That will probably take me forever.
In February, I set up a Web site on .mac to display Quicktime movies I made to display music videos I created about protests and demonstrations.
The first one was "Let There Be Peace on Earth," sung by Vince Gil and highlighting the diversity and spirit of protesters. second one "Power to the People" was compiled after the Feb. 15 protests and features demonstrations from around the globe. It is set to John Lennon's music. last one "For What It's Worth," set to music by Buffalo Springfield, was developed in collaboration with nostamj and features photos by a number of DUers. you look at the videos, you'll also find photos of arcane1, JanMichael and a DUer's son included.
Traffic had slowed down considerably, but when my latest set of protest pics were highlighted on's Chicago site, it picked up quite a lot because I included a link to my video page. The 10,000 mark is a combined total of the counters on all three pages.
I know some of you with sites get 10,000+ hits in a month, but this was beyond my wildest expectations when I created the videos.
I just got FinalCutExpress and am looking forward to experimenting with that. Does anybody have any suggestions for themes or music? What do you think will strike a chord right now with people? Any sources for lots of relevant pics?