Today we set up a booth at the 9th and 9th street fair for Howard Dean. For you that don't know (meaning all of you) 9th and 9th is a liberal neighborhood in Salt Lake City. It's located at 900 South and 900 East and is filled with small business type shops, coffee houses, and an independent arts theatre.
Anyway the Dean booth was set up right next to the Kucinich booth, the guy running the Kucinich booth was VERY kind in letting us place some bumper stickers and literature on his side. :bounce:
Of course since this area is an ENCLAVE for the GLBT community, we got A LOT of support. But what was shocking is how much support was from people that had never even been to his website! The common person would say they LOVED him in the debate, LOVED him in his speeches, LOVED him in his interview - but never went to the site.
We had about 100 bumper stickers and ran out in about 3 hours. Not only that but we signed up SIX-SEVEN sheets for their e-mail campaign.
It was AWESOME today. The support was amazing. Even our mayor, Rocky Anderson, said he was leaning in supporting Howard Dean! Not only that but the Democratic Progressive Caucasus will support him too.
What makes it all worth wild? The only other candidate there was Kucinich - which oddly enough was being ran by a Dean-Kucinich supporter. Kerry, Lieberman, Gep, Edwards - NOT a booth!
Now we hope that in the coming weeks people place their stickers on their car and we start getting even MORE support. In fact I even pulled a Lyndon Larouche supporter over to 'possibly' supporting Dean!
As you can see I had a blast! GOD this is awesome, I love being part of something so BIG.