No, I really did forget about it. My family and I ate dinner quietly, making conversation, and being eerily civil. Before my Dad went to bed he yelled out.
"Oh no, we missed Dubya's speech!"
I laughed of course and replied:
"Yeah, I heard it was real important."
To which he added:
"Yeah, important to his reelection campaign."
Now, my father's a good ol' moderate Democrat, or at least that's how he portrays himself. I say moderate because he's pretty fiscally conservative. After 9/11 he was naturally in that "Thank GOD Al GOre isn't President" crowd and became rather hawkish. However, over the last two years, my father has become so disenchanted with the junta that he has almost become as opposed to them as I am. Last week he even asked me how he could donate money to the Democrats...ANY Democrats. The man hasn't voted since the 96 elections, when he voted for Clinton, Gray Davis, Barbara Boxer (I think) and the late Walter Capps. But now he has become so sickened with the political scene he wants to do whatever he can to get rid of the idiots and put in some responsible people. And that makes me happy.
And by the way, my father works for a rather large oil company (think massive European petrol conglomerate with an ocean-themed logo and name) that claims to make NO political contributions (I'm skeptical). He has benefited from a lot of Bush's policies (tax cuts/double taxation of dividends elimination). And yet, he hates the king with a passion. I love that man.