LIES (AND THE LYING LIARS WHO TELL THEM), by Al Franken. (Dutton, $24.95.) A satirical critique of the rhetoric of right-wing pundits and politicians.
#4 LIVING HISTORY, by Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Simon & Schuster, $28.) A memoir by the junior senator from New York and former first lady.
#8: BIG LIES, by Joe Conason. (Thomas Dunne/St. Martin's, $24.95.) A journalist examines conservatives' use of rhetorical argument in modern political discourse.
#9: THIEVES IN HIGH PLACES, by Jim Hightower. (Viking, $24.95.) The political commentator and former Texas agriculture commissioner issues a call to action against what he sees as a modern-day American "kleptocracy." (+)
#15 *STUPID WHITE MEN, by Michael Moore. (ReganBooks/HarperCollins, $24.95.) Assailing politicians, corporations and our "nation of idiots." (+) (btw, came out 59 weeks ago!!)
Treason is #5. My only concern is why are we bulk-ordering some of these books. I was a little distressed to see the dagger next to Moore & Hightower's book. I think we liberals can buy these books in enough qualities that we shouldn't lower ourselves to their standards. But you have to give Moore credit - 59 weeks and his book is still standing strong!!!