that's the impression I get reading your post - sound like a great visual - and would hit home to a lot of the classic "American family" who just spent the summer at amusment parks...
not sure I can add much, but I think showing a tired, exasperated family in tatters (been thru hell as a result of bushonomics - with torn-tshirts implying such) looking at the moron cutout would be appropriate - somebody to represent the "bushed" (screwed) average Amercian family. Maybe have the imposter wear a goofy cowboy hat with AWOL monogrammed on the front, in big, Texas size letters.
I also think working in gas prices - maybe with some "out of gas" comment or symbol, would be good too...
And it might pay to see, in the distance, one of the coasters going off the tracks and heading for a "quagmire" landing, or a recession landing, etc...
And, as is true at Six Flags, there are tv's to make the wait in line more bearable (buy buy buy) - so maybe there would be a way to work in a Faux news "fairly unbalanced" logo..
And, one last thing - the words LIAR or LIES should be all over the place in this picture...
And, one more last thing - have a prominent signpost pointing to different rides - one to bush's coaster to disaster, and one to some ride that incorporated the vanishing or invisible or fictious WMDs - like a "House of smoke and mirrors - find the invisible WMDs"
Ok, starting to ramble...
Really good idea you had there, man - hope you find a way to make something of it. I'd be happy to help if I can.