How do you access DU?
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Mon Sep-08-03 09:54 PM
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Poll question: How do you access DU? |
I am one of those working stiffs that does not have access to the internet at work so as a result it seems I spend more time reading than posting :) Not that that is really a bad thing. But I have wondered how others reach DU.
never cry wolf
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Mon Sep-08-03 09:58 PM
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1. I use my work computer |
and spend way too much work time on DU. But, I own my own small firm and can't afford to fire myself.
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Mon Sep-08-03 10:13 PM
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2. If I had one that I could use |
I am afraid I would do the same :)
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Mon Sep-08-03 10:26 PM
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3. It comes in a plain brown wrapper. |
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Mon Sep-08-03 10:35 PM
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4. The Internet is a Leisure Activity... |
those that do it at 'work' are either 'working' or 'passing time'
BTW read threads you like and leave the ones you don' ain't missing anything...
use a web catcher/offline browser for searches...and 'copy paste' stuff that looks interesting into your Wordprocesser prog...
Stay away from McBiG Media...the crap is on TV and your already paying for that information thru cable/satelitte
Then 'save' the file...the date you did it and archive it for reading off the net...
You can catch-up and surpass your preceived opponents in no time
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Mon Sep-08-03 10:56 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. I've given up on most news |
CSpan is the only news outlet that I regularly watch.
Other than that I use TV for SciFi and or Comedy Central plus some Cartoon Network and WWE. I know guilty pleasures.
I use the internet when I can, usually while watching the above.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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