i read at Least 2 newspapers a day (the
boston gLobe and the
metro) and i aLways make sure to read the Letters. some of the whack jobs in my "LiberaL" state Love writing Letters to compLain about Libs and so on... some of the writers i recognize because they write so often.
- such as migueL guanipa of whitinsviLLe, ma.
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&q=%22miguel+guanipa%22anyhow, aside from my dismay - is there some sorta standard for LTTE's such as "onLy print so many of their Letters in a given week" or more importantLy.... "identify who the writers are"
that Last Line refers to poLiticos, and insiders writing LTTE's but posing as the common citizen. for exampLe, the founder of (i'm drawing a bLank, but it's "citizens for cathoLics" or something Like that - he's one of the asshoLes organizing against gay marriage here) occasionaLLy writes a LTTE but he does NOT identify himseLf as being the founder of the RW group. shouLdn't you be required to identify your agenda?
another writer, "aLthea garrison" has been getting quite nasty LateLy (economy is great, if you're out of work you're Lazy. if you're kids schooLs are doing bad, it's your fauLt, etc). so i finaLLy googLed her today
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=%22althea+garrison%22she's a "recurring candidate" who runs for pretty much any/every office that she can. (i was shocked to find out that she was bLack)
shouLdn't she be required to identify herseLf? most Letters from poLiticians, groups, and such address who they are, and who they represent... so why are these freepers aLLowed to "pretend" to be an average joe?