I have been working with photoshop for awhile but I am still at the intermediate stage.
I have been asking Admin to set up a fark like (www.fark.com) forum for visual artists but there has not been much of a reaction.
Here is what I said here....
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=120&topic_id=3547Why not include a forum for photoshoppers on DU?
Look at
http://www.worth1000.com and
http://www.b3ta.com- all this sites have wonderful visuals, huge traffic and are well appreciated.
I am constantly going round and round and round waiting for opportunities to Photoshop conservatives whenever the chance comes on these sites.
This may be a nice opportunity for non-photoshoppers with great ideas to link to images and graphic lurkers on DU to team up and come up with some great satire and powerful imagery. We could hit them hard visually with the best of the best and float them out there on the net.
Sometimes a powerful image can change a mind... you know the old adage - worth a thousand words. Especially when it is photoshopped.
I am still at the intermediate stage but am willing to help out others if it swings.
What do you think? I will help mod if you want!
This is a couple of days work bear in mind. So it is not a lot. But I will keep plugging away at DU!
Coulter/Goebbels - Chimp and Hitler
The new twenty
Coulter meet Goebbels
Nice juxtaposition
Well this one... I don't know. I saw and ad for a combination hair cutter and vaccum cleaner and felt it had to be photoshopped....