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Question for commercial pilots (Calling DemoTex...)

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warren pease Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 07:54 PM
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Question for commercial pilots (Calling DemoTex...)
My wife was on Delta flight 890 today from Portland, Ore. to Cincinnati. Just before landing -- she says the plane was nearly on the ground -- the pilot floored it and the plane climbed to several thousand feet. The pilot said something about a problem with the flaps, but was pretty uncommunicative overall. Probably too busy. She sys the flight attendants seemed very scared -- never a good sign.

Anyway, after maybe 20 minutes, they come in for another landing. This time, fire trucks are all over the place.

Fortunately, the plane landed without further incident, taxied to the terminal and disgorged a bunch of very thankful passengers.

Still no word on the nature of the problem from the cockpit or the flight attendants. Passengers around my wife said they hadn't heard the landing gear descend, but nothing official except for the pilot's brief mention of flaps.

So... I'd like to know what the hell happened. I assume pilots file incident reports with the FAA. Are these available to the general public and, if so, how do I find them on the web? And if they're not generally available...??

Thanks in advance.

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pw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 07:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. NTSB has reports
Although they might only be if there are injuries.
They don't go out of their way to make them available,
although you can get copies from DC...
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warren pease Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 08:00 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. No injuries...
ALthough bag lunches and coffee cups were flying all over the place when the first landing was aborted. I'll have a look at the NTSB web site, but I think you're right that the NTSB doesn't deal with incidents unless there are serious injuries or fatalities.

Thanks for the quick reply, though.

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Wcross Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 08:51 PM
Response to Original message
3. Go around
Something didn't look, or feel right about the landing. Could have overshot the runway a bit, debris on the runway, Gear problem, ect... It happened to me on a flight into Rochester one time, they said there was tire debris on the runway. I have my private license and have gone around plenty of times when something didn't look right to me. The scariest was a flight into Tullahoma,Tn at night, just about to land and the landing light showed me a bunch of deer on the runway, I hit the gas and went around. Came in low to check for more deer, then went around and landed.
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