And it will only end when the students rise up against the evils of a corporate brain washing facility. LOL I know, I'm inches from the foil hat. Here, they built a useless clock tower plaza thing, eliminating much needed parking, and costing us over 2 million dollars. Then in the works on the other corner of campus is a brand new facility for athletics. I live in Oklahoma, and you always know where their priorities are. We are losing millions so we're going to raise your tuition 12.something %, but we can afford to build this new athletic facilty for our losing football team. Nice. It just pisses me off that in my department there are two faculty members, one's the head of the department, and the other is this chick that I don't know if she knows what she's talking about or not. They can't afford to bring someone in who actually knows what they're doing and give them tenure, but you can bet your ass there's going to be plenty of room for the losing coach to have a corner office. IT's RIDICULOUS...and I'm pissed off.