I ask this question because as Rumsfeld made his speech live on NPR, a pair of young activists from the organization Pink Alert stood up and shouted, "Mr. Rumsfeld, you're fired!"
They then proceeded to advise Rumsfeld and his audience (not to mention millions of NPR listeners) that the war in Iraq was both illegal and immoral, and built on a foundation of lies. They also demanded to know when our troops were coming home.
Finally, as security guards removed them from the hall, the activists chanted, "Hey Rumsfeld, hey hey/How many kids did you kill today?"
This kind of thing really does my heart good! It particularly encourages me that those young women will probably be alive for another 50-60 years--that much more time for them to speak truth to power.
Or, to put it more colloquially...to FUCK SHIT UP, BABY!!! :bounce: :thumbsup: :yourock: